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Mobiles Under 1 to 5k in Bangladesh 2022

Best Latest Mobile Phones from 1 under 5000 Tk. in Bangladesh 2022

* Some prices may not be up to date according to today's market price. Please always visit your official local store or other official brand channels for exact latest price.

Lowest Price Smartphones, Android Phones & Feature Phones in Bangladesh

Official Smartphones ✭

[4G] [Android 10 Go]
Walton Primo E12
Walton Primo E12
৳4,490 ৳4,990

Symphony V99+
Symphony V99+ 3G 
[Android 10 Go]
Symphony i12
Symphony i12 

Official Feature Phones

Samsung Metro 350
Samsung Metro 350 
Samsung Metro 313
Samsung Metro 313 
Nokia 220 4G
Nokia 220 (4G) 

Symphony S40
Symphony S40
Symphony L42
Symphony L42 
Nokia 110 2019
Nokia 110 (2019) 
Nokia 105 2019
Nokia 105 (2019) 
Nokia 3310 2017
Nokia 3310 (2017) 
Nokia 5310 2020
Nokia 5310 (2020)
Samsung Guru Music 2
Samsung Guru Music 2 

Price Ranges

General tips for phone buyers in the price range from 1 under 5,000 Bangladeshi Taka

Feature phone buyers

We usually recommend feature phones from Samsung and Nokia brands because of their reputation. However, feature phones from Symphony, itel, Walton, etc. brands are also quite popular in Bangladesh, especially when the budget is under 1000 Tk. If you want the cheapest feature phone, you may visit the nearest retail store and ask the salesman for a recommendation. If you want something with a higher standard, we will recommend Nokia feature phones first and then Samsung. Some feature phones from Nokia come with the 4G facility. Also, check out the specification first in case you need some extended features such as camera, Bluetooth, FM Radio, Java, GPS and so on.

Smartphone buyers

Smartphone buyers: 4G support is one of the top features in this lowest price range. If your selected phone has 4G support, it is a big advantage. This is why we have mentioned “(4G)” near the price of every phone on this page that has 4G connectivity. However, 4G availability doesn’t automatically mean that the quality of the phone and overall specifications are also of advantage. So, make sure to check out a few phones and compare the specs before finalizing your decision.

Usually, you would want to make sure that the smartphone has at least 1 GB RAM and 8 GB ROM. Some devices have 512 MB RAM, which we do not recommend as the speed will be very slow and you may experience frequent lags. 4 GB internal storage is also pretty low in today’s standard, especially the amount of free storage will be much lower than 4 GB. So, you may not have enough space to install necessary apps, store phones and media files etc. Also, check out if the battery backup is sufficient. Generally, 2000 mAh and up is ok. The higher the mAh the better.

Some phone comes with HD or HD+ screen, which is a big plus. FWVGA quality is standard. A fingerprint sensor is an advantage as well. But mostly, if the phone has a fingerprint, it doesn’t have 4G in this price range. So, you may need to choose between one. When it comes to Android version, Android 10 and up is recommended.

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